One of SDAFF's most ardent supporters, an almost golden prodigal son of the Film Festival, Dustin Nguyen, will return for the 2010 San Diego Asian Film Festival in the shape of his latest hit, FOOL FOR LOVE, which also happens to be the most popular film in Vietnam this year.
However, if you can't wait until the end of October...good news...the American TV icon and acclaimed international Vietnamese-American film star Nguyen will be making a personal appearance this Friday, September 24, 2010 at the 8:05 pm showing of FOOL FOR LOVE at San Diego’s Edwards Mira Mesa Stadium 18 & Imax theatre.

To many of his fans, seeing Nguyen in a romantic comedy may be considered a new dimension, yet he pulled of an amazing dramatic performance opposite the Academy Award winning actress Cate Blanchard in LITTLE FISH. The fact that he has received critical acclaim in several award-winning films, such as the ultimate martial arts villain in THE REBEL, a comedic Bruce Lee-ish role in FINISHING THE GAME and playing a mentally challenged young adult in LEGEND IS ALIVE, just shows that this Asian-American thespian is a super talented actor that can re-invent himself to fit more niches that the ecological film-scape can create.

Yet the bulls-eye becomes more complicated as in order for the penniless Dung to finance his pursuit of love, he is forced to shack up Hoi, a very rich and very gay businessman who is looking for male companionship.
Dung and Mai’s shots of love are put to the test as they hope the Angels of Love can shoot their arrows through the right hearts before they are left behind.
To find out if their love will prevail, other exclusive showings at the Edwards Mira Mesa on Friday include: 12:35 pm; 3:10 pm; 5:35 pm; 8:05 pm and 10:25 pm.
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